And did you get what you wanted, My Darling?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Winter Messes

Winter Messes, that's what I call them. The times where the sky is dark and the clothing is clinging and all you want to do is sit with a 3/4 full latte and a cigarette and have a royal bitch. About life. About the world. Depending on the trending topics on twitter, maybe CNN's latest grab at global warming.. or oh, I'm sorry, 'climate change'.

Winter messes, everyone knows them, and everyone becomes them. But come Spring, Summer and the early months of Autumn, I find myself looking back on the Winter Messes with some sort of sordid fondness. It wasn't so bad, sitting in the reclusive cafe with my best friend discussing the ins and outs of our lives. And the imagined community that we experienced between the first sip of the latte and the last drag of the cigarette seemed more comfortable than any relationship I had previously experienced. Things get messy, and I get messier. But at the end of the warmer months, I find myself begging back that messy haired, slightly sordid gal that darts through the darker months like they're back streets from her home town... Sans cigarette, of course. 

The Constant Student

When the sky is that color, we sit.

And old men do not deter the purity of our exchange.

Long black and flat white;

We match.

You over there and me over here.

Spinning, I grin, and from what I can see

You’re lost and found.




And there I am,

Learning everything.

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